Updates from the debate
While most of the evening's Democratic debate focused on Iraq, candidates did have a few opportunities to discuss their domestic agenda and if you listened closely, you may have heard them saying a few things from the county playbook.
Counties have made great strides in cracking down on domestic meth labs, however, meth continues to be a problem as it is smuggled in from Mexico. During the discussion of immigration, Senator Joe Biden was asked about border security and recognized that in addition to curbing illegal entry into the country, stepped up patrols would help to curb drug trafficking across the borders.
In the realm of health care, John Edwards made a pitch for mental health parity. Obama and Clinton agreed to focus on lowering costs and making health care more effcient while Richardson has mandatory coverage for all funded by employers, state and federal government.
And just a fun piece of trivia, here's the top priorities, per the candidates, for their first hundred days:
Edwards: re-establish re-establish America's moral authority
Clinton: Bringing the troops home from Iraq
Obama: Ending the war, reforming healthcare
Richardson: Education, universal Pre-K and full day kindergarten
Biden: End the war in Iraq
Kucinich: Focus on peace and fair trade
Gravel: scold Congress about ending the war
Dodd: Restore constitutional rights
To see all of CNN's coverage of the debate, including video and transcripts, click here.
I am very offended that you choose to only print Democratic information. I am a solid Republican and have a candidate in mind to vote for and would appreciate your being non partisian.
I was traveling yesterday and could not post. The info from the GOP debate is now up. We are committed to remaining non-partisan and welcome your input on any interaction that you've had with the GOP candidates.
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